Hebrews 10:36 – For ye have need of patience, that after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. 11: 2 – Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (KJV)
A new family moved into our area in the late summer of 1997. They had a young family and someone loved to express themselves in chalk on their huge curved driveway. They must have spent hours, for there were flowers, a carefully chalked-in walkway from the road to the front door. A huge "Welcome" sign was printed in multicoloured pastels. And there was more.
Oh yes, it was quite the art gallery, and one of the pleasures I treasured on my early morning walks.
As Christmas approached, I found a bucket of "sidewalk chalk" and managed to sneak down and leave it by the door. Perhaps I thought it would ensure, or guarantee, that the artwork would never stop. But of course, it did.
First there was rain, a little snow, more rain. When spring came, I thought for sure there would be a new "collection" but none appeared. Well then, the "boredom of summer" would surely inspire the "artist(s)", but still nothing.
One morning, however, a day before fall officially started, the little "art gallery" was "open". The Driveway Artist(s) had returned and put on quite a show!
We sometimes do things with the hopes of "guaranteeing" our place with God, or with the expectation that our prayers will be answered immediately, that there will be no "gaps". But what of the gaps we leave? What of the times when we choose to discontinue our spiritual life?
Faith and patience is a two-way street. He is patient with us in those times when our faith falters. Do we have enough faith to wait with patience for His answers to our prayers?
Prayer: We know that with faith, comes patience, and we know there are many times when we perhaps test your patience. Perhaps in these days of "instant gratification" our faith falters at times because we are too impatient. May we be reminded to be patient and faithful. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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