A devotional revisited on December 8, 2024
1 Thessalonians 3:12 – May the Lord make your love for one another and for all people grow more and more.
We visited a church in Florida on Sunday morning; it was a busy, friendly church with about forty to fifty in attendance. The congregation was made up mainly of older folk, with a sprinkling of middle-aged ones, and about four families with children. We were warmly greeted and asked if we knew others visiting from Canada.
It was on a Sunday early in Advent, and the service was about an "Advent Attitude". So often we go through this season of the year with an attitude of "Let's get all this rush over with"; or "I really don't have time to do anything for others"; or "how will I meet all the demands on me?" Instead, in the sermon, an attitude of expectancy and love was espoused, especially "a rebounding, redounding, resounding love."
What is this kind of love? It is the kind of love that has us put others before ourselves. It is the kind of love that makes others feel special. It is the kind of love demonstrated in the gift of God's Son to us at Christmas.
As we go through the Christmas season, pray that we will know this kind of love, for both giving and receiving, remembering that the greatest gift has already come to us in the manger in Bethlehem. Ask God to give us an attitude of love, of "rebounding, redounding and resounding" love, that shows in our attitude towards others.
Prayer: Lord, help us to know your love, love that rebounds, redounds and resounds, as we look forward to celebrating the greatest expression of love, the gift of your Son. Help us also to show this love in our attitude towards others this Christmas season. Amen.
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