James 1:17 – Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. (KJV)
There are many who go wanting, especially at this time of year, and each community offers numerous opportunities to help those who are less fortunate. There are Orphan's Funds, Empty Stocking Funds, Angel Trees, Toy Drives, Coat Drives, Secret Santa opportunities, and of course, a gift is always welcome for a forgotten soul in an old folks' home.
If you don't have one in your community, perhaps you'd like to start in sharing A Shoebox for Christmas.
A group of people wraps the lid and bottom of a shoebox and finds friends who would like to fill it with something special for a child in a predetermined age bracket. The shoeboxes are for children who have a parent in prison and the reason for the shoebox is that the lid can come off quickly and easily for inspection before proceeding inside.
The families can then share a Christmas together; the children receive a "wrapped" gift that hasn't otherwise obviously had the wrapping opened for checking and done up again; and those who have given feel blessed to have had the opportunity to give to those who otherwise may have been forgotten.
The "Spirit of Christmas" is in the giving and we are reminded that Christ was given to us in somewhat similar circumstances to the shoebox. There being no room at the inn, Mary and Joseph were forced to present God's gift to the world in a plain manger in a stall, or "box".
All gifts do come from the Father: the greatest gift, the gift of His Son to us; the gifts He bestows upon us that we may share with others. What we do with the gifts (His to us, ours to others, and ours to Him) is what counts. The "wrapping" through which the gift is presented is of little or no consequence.
Prayer: Our Father in heaven, we thank you for your greatest gift to us, your Son, Jesus, and we thank you for our gifts and the many ways in which we are able to share those gifts with others. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, we pray. Amen.
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