Mark 6:31 – And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while; for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure, so much as to eat. (KJV)
My husband is on the road a lot, and when he must make a long, quick trip, I try to arrange to go with him to assist in the driving.
So it was this week. There is always a two hour ferry ride first, and then we had a good ten hours ahead of us. It was to be a quick turnaround: up one day, meetings the next, start for home, and arrive the following day. A bit gruelling to say the least.
Our trek took us into central British Columbia, and on the way home, we decided to take the time to visit an old mining town-turned-tourist-town called Barkerville. It was late in the day, and in the season, but my parents used to loved going there and as we'd never been, and most likely wouldn't have the opportunity again, it seemed the right thing to do.
The weather was chilly, the road long, winding and desolate, the type where you wonder if you're really on the right road, and "how in the world did anyone ever find this place, much less choose to come here?". We were rewarded by the fact that because it was later in the day, there were few people around, so it wasn't busy, wasn't hot, and we could explore the buildings in relative solitude. The greatest reward was the first building we went into, an old Anglican church built in 1869, which has never closed its doors. The sign on the door asked only that all who entered offer a prayer.
How often in our lives do we feel that we are on a long, lonely, desolate road, and yet we find that God's doors, also, are never closed. We know we can "enter" by offering a prayer, and we know too, ultimately, that there is something waiting for us at the end of our road.
Prayer: Our Heavenly Father, we know you are with us in our good times and in those times when we feel so very alone. We know we can come to you in prayer at any time, wherever we may be. And we know too, that you will be there, today, tomorrow, and "at the end of our road". For this, we offer our thanks. In Your name we pray. Amen.
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