Barefoot In Prayer

Monday, November 16, 1998

Exodus 3:5 – And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground. (KJV)

The power of prayer is receiving a lot of "press" these days. People in "positions" are sitting up and taking notice that prayer works. Courses are being taught in the "art" of praying. Most people, if not regular pray-ers, do it at one time or another, for one reason or another.

There are all types of prayers, said in all sorts of places and in all kinds of ways. But still we try to "get it right".

We start out in all seriousness, then our minds wander and we think we're not doing it properly. One of the most beneficial tools I learned was Contemplative Prayer, where we were taught to choose a word or two, or phrase; then to "open" our minds to God. When we find our minds wandering off in other directions, we gently focus on our word(s) or phrase until our minds are once again clear to hear His words to us.

We enter to hymns playing softly, select our seat in the circle, listen to the reading of a Psalm, center ourselves in silent prayer for 20 minutes, listen to another reading and then close in unison with the Lord's Prayer. If we have a prayer we wish prayed by all of us, we state it.

It's a tremendous help, especially in our own "alone" prayers, but does take some practice. Something else we found out quite by accident this summer, because it was "sandal weather", was that with the restrictions of our shoes and socks removed, we felt even less constricted, more relaxed, and freer to just "be" with prayer. It seems sometimes when our feet are bound, so, too, are we.

We must look quite a sight, sitting in a circle with a little candle alight, eyes closed, palms facing upward and… barefoot in prayer. But He listens, for we have each witnessed the results of our prayers.

Luke 11:2-4 is the Lord's Prayer. He has taught us to pray, through the Bible, and through those with experience.

Prayer: Our Father which art in heaven, we thank you for the gift of prayer, and give thanks for those who assist us in our prayers through their teachings and support. In Jesus' name we pray our thanks to you. Amen.

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About the author:

Mary Daniel <>
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

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