Tuesday, October 6, 1998

Ephesians 5:15-16 – Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise – sensible, intelligent people; Making the very most of the time – buying up each opportunity – because the days are evil. (The Amplified New Testament)

L I V E — four letters that we all know the meaning of. We are very much alive today, and we are glad we are alive. We want to keep on living. But there is such a thing as living right.

L I V E is an amazing word. For instance, if we reverse the letters we have EVIL. If we don't live the right way, doing things backwards or the wrong way, we become evil. If we take the E and move it to the end we get VILE. When we do not live right we usually go from bad to worse, until we become vile (hateful, vicious). Another move of the E and the result is the word VEIL, which obscures, hides, separates us from our family, friends and God. God is hidden from us.

There is an important letter in L I V E that make it possible to form all these other words. It is the letter I: the selfish I, the me, myself I. When we think so much of ourselves, we forget all about God and about others.

When we replace I with O for "others", L I V E becomes L O V E! Try as we might, we cannot make anything bad out of love. Those four letters spell LOVE and nothing else but LOVE. When we think more of others we will LIVE IN LOVE.

Prayer: Gracious Father, Loving Son, ever-present Holy Spirit, help us to think more of others so we can be more like Jesus who gave his life that others may live. Amen.

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About the author:

Ross MacKay
London, Ontario, Canada

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