If You Believe In Prayer

Saturday, October 3, 1998

Psalm 118:5 – I called upon the Lord in distress: the Lord answered me, and set me in a large place. (KJV)

Sometimes, some of us reach a point in our lives when we leave the structured church. Our reasons are many and varied, personal and private, or perhaps for some, it is a public issue. The fact remains we either leave, or switch, churches.

Most often, people will proclaim their belief in God, but not in the "workings of the structured church". A "wrestling within oneself" begins; a spiritual search ensues; we "call upon the Lord in distress" to show us the way.

And he does, if we let him; he will "set us in a large place" in many ways.

If we are open-minded and open-hearted, we will hear him speak to us. He will guide us to people who will guide us to many "avenues" to hear his word, to keep us on track while we are on this journey.

One way I have found, is in a prayer group. It's a small step… but it's a step. I've tried several; some were a bit too charismatic for me, some, too large; but by not giving up I did find a prayer group that is perfect. Another way is this website and the many people who are so encouraging. The place in which he has set me, keeps getting larger, and there are those who have the faith that I shall find my way back.

If you, too, are on a spiritual journey, I'd say, "If you believe in prayer… start there."

Prayer: Lord, we thank you for guiding us in the many ways and to the many people who help us along our spiritual journey. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Mary Daniel <marydee@shaw.ca>
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

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