Daniel 3:27 – They saw these men, upon whose bodies the fire had no power, nor was a hair of their head singed, neither their coats changed, nor the smell of fire had passed them.
Do you smell smoke? Go ahead; check yourself; I'll give you a second. Well… do you smell smoke? You say you're being tried and pushed, tempted and persecuted, talked about and scorned, cheated on and beaten; you say you're going through the fire; but do you smell smoke? We all know that there will be trials and tribulations; Jesus said it, so we know it's the truth. But He followed that up by telling us not to worry, because He had overcome the world. As God's child, you are also an overcomer.
Why pray to be used and study to know the word, then step out on faith and complain about what you're going through? How do you think you look to the unbeliever? How do you think you sound to God? Stand steadfast during your trials. Be thankful for the chance to glorify and know Him better through the struggle. Open your mouth and pronounce the truth, that you serve a mighty God and no harm will come to you, that indeed victory is guaranteed. You may be in the fire, but there is no smell of smoke. Not even a hair has been singed on your head.
In Daniel, chapter 3, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were tried by fire, literally. Nebuchadnezzar, the king they'd served for years, became angry because they would not worship an idol he had set up. But they didn't complain; they stated simply that they were going to serve God regardless of what happened, and stood steadfast. They were bound tightly by strong men and thrown into a raging furnace heated seven times hotter than normal; so hot that the flames consumed the men who threw them in. When the king looked into the furnace he saw not only that the ropes used to bind them had fallen away, but that they were walking around inside with a man who looked like the Son of God (Daniel 3:25). When he commanded them to come out of the furnace, not even a hair had been singed; there was no smell of smoke.
You see, our God is worthy! Praise Him through your trials; praise Him constantly. Smile while the world is tossed to and fro; you are not of the world. Your place is with your Lord; you exist in the palm of His hand and no one can snatch you away. No matter what goes on, stand steadfast, pray without ceasing, praise Him constantly, and smile; the only thing burning is the devil.
"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in His triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place." (2 Corinthians 2:14)
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. " (John 16:33)
Prayer: Heavenly Father, plant my feet firmly on the solid rock. Help me to remember all of my past victories and all of Your promises, so that my song will be one of faith and not of fear. Amen.
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