Romans 12:2 – And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
Philippians 1:6 – Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.
Every once in a while God gives me a glimpse of what I was and who I am now. Needless to say it is a very humbling experience each and every time. Sometimes it's something major, sometimes something small. Have you ever thought about some of the things that you used to pray for before you knew Him as well as you do now? Things like the fall of an enemy, instead of their salvation. Or that He not allow a check to bounce, or a bill collector to call even though you willingly spent the money at the mall. Or you spend the money at the mall and only give 2{8395b6ce96fcf25a14d80edc3b65c36a8995b6c1ba5f8c16ac11d8adaa79f35b} in tithes. How many times did you pray that a "burden" be removed that wasn't really a burden; you just didn't feel like dealing with it?
Recently, however, I've realized that nothing is small with God. Everything is big, everything means more than the words that it takes to say it, or the action to do it. You see, we are so used to seeing the ripple in the pond, we cannot fathom how it affects the ocean. How blessed are we to serve the Lord of Hosts who has the power to broaden our vision. He has changed my heart to go along with that new vision and helped me to see some of the ways in which I do not honour Him. So each time I eagerly write out the check to the church I thank Him, not only for the blessing of money to give, but the heart to give it. When that co-worker starts talking about me, I'm thankful for the next opportunity presented to me to show her the other cheek.
Do you see how good He is to me? Each step I take brings me closer to Him; each prayer another revelation. First He calls me; then He teaches me; then He shows me, over and over again until I get it right; then He uses me; and then the lesson begins all over again.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Heavenly Teacher, thank You for guiding me closer to You; for showing me the error of my ways; for opening my heart to Your ways; for listening with such patience to my desire to do wrong and changing it into a passion to do right. I'm ready for my next lesson; please teach me Lord. In Christ's name I pray. Amen.
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