The Impact Of Jesus

Thursday, July 23, 1998

Someone asked the renowned Tennyson what he thought of Jesus. He replied in his own poetic fashion. "What the sun is to the flower, so Jesus is to me."

The flower would soon be dead without light. The reason many are dead in their heart and soul today, even though they seem alive physically, is because they have not permitted the Light of the world to enter into their innermost being.

Jesus did not have a long public ministry, but His truths are for all ages and all peoples.

Socrates taught for approximately forty years. Plato was a famous teacher for fifty years. Aristotle taught for about forty years. Yet, their influence is very little compared to the impact of the teaching of Jesus Christ.

We cannot talk about Who He is without acknowledging Him as the greatest "influencer" that ever lived. Jesus painted no pictures. Yet, He has inspired literally thousands and thousands of pictures. Can you name any picture which is the result of the artist being inspired by Socrates, Plato, etc.? Of course not. The impact of Jesus was not simply His teaching, but the fact that He lives and heals today.

Prayer: May I remain rooted in my source of strength and help, ever You, Lord Jesus. Amen.

(From The Ministry of the Master ©1986 by Donald Bartow. Used by permission.)

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About the author:

Donald Bartow
Canton, Ohio, USA

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