Replies That Re-Start

Wednesday, June 24, 1998

Philippians 4:10 – But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at the last your care of me hath flourished again; wherein ye were also careful, but ye lacked opportunity.

To write a devotional is but one small way to give thanks for the many, many graces bestowed upon us. The printing of the material does not follow the writing of it, and so sometimes, the writer may not be in the same frame of mind by the time the material actually hits the Internet.

The writer may have had a great day when their devotional stressed going through a down turn. Conversely, the writer may have had a bad start, or received bad news the day a happy piece appears. Sometimes writers send themselves into the self-doubt salt mine, and hold back on handing something in.

It seems that at these exact times, some dear soul sends a "reply" and sets us back on our feet again. Recently after a beautiful walk, a friend who seems mired in tragic events, called with more bad news. As she is far away, I can only be there by phone right now. It happened to be my day for a devotional, and there too, was a beautiful "reply".

It picked me up, re-started my day, and sent me on my way.

You too, have something worth sharing with someone. We all have something for which to be thankful, some insight to share, something from the Lord in which to rejoice. By writing it we share it, with replies we flourish, and with this site we no longer lack opportunity.

Prayer: We give thanks, O Lord, for expanded opportunities to share your works around us and within us. We thank you for the encouragement of others and the opportunity to encourage others. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Mary Daniel <>
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

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