Our Father (1)

Saturday, June 20, 1998

2 Corinthians 5:7 – For we walk by faith, not by sight.

We come as children first, and there remains within each of us, a child. And it is that child within us which possesses a desire, a longing to be loved, and to love. To belong.

A desire to be protected, to be safe, to trust and be trusted, to know that as we love, so too, are we loved. We desire to receive good things. We want to care and be cared for, for to be so nurtured, so too will we grow.

A woman, expressing her wish to find her way back to believing, said that since God was seen as a man, she found it hard to believe in Him after two failed marriages; but in the same breath, spoke of her father whom she said had been the dearest person in the world to her. So it was suggested to her that in seeing that the most important person in her life had been her father, perhaps she could find her way to seeing her heavenly Father as the most important being in her life.

We have all been given a Father who loves us, who cares not about our colour, our size, our capabilities, or our disabilities. He is the father that some never had, but that all of us can have. He is our every relationship. He will not let us down, beat us, walk away from us or divorce us. He is our friend, our confidante, our priest, our minister, our healer, our father. He knows our every thought, every secret, every prayer.

With Him, we walk by faith, not by sight. We know we are loved, trusted, and cared for. We know we belong.

Prayer: Our Father in heaven, we know you care for each one of us. May we always know that as our Father, we may take all our cares to you, that you hear our every prayer, every thought and know our every desire. May we continue to walk by faith. In Your name we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Mary Daniel <marydee@shaw.ca>
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

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