Acts 2:22 – Men of Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know.
A little boy was having a serious talk with his grandfather. He asked, "Grandpa, have you ever seen any miracles?" "Yes, many of them," he replied. "How have you seen them?" The little boy asked. He said, "Because I look for them."
Most people would say that have not ever really seen a miracle. However, a few will say they have. They then go on to give an account of some spectacular physical healing which they have experienced, seen in a friend or family member, or heard about in the life of a person they do not personally know.
Miracles are not simply of the physical body. Miracles take place in all areas of life.
The healing which is encompassed in the Christian message is the healing of body, mind, and spirit. The goal of healing is wholeness. This wholeness is to be in all areas of life. It does include the body, but includes much more.
It includes the mind, the emotions, relationships, and even the area of the physical world. After all, the Bible records many miracles even in the realm of nature. The Red Sea incident, the floating axe, and Jesus walking on the water are just a few of them.
Mary, my wife, was in a meeting when the group was discussing miracles. One lady said she had never seen a miracle in an individual. She had never really felt she had witnessed a miraculous healing the life of anyone. However, she said, I have seen the miracle of a church being healed. She had experienced a strife-torn church being made whole through the healing power of the Lord Jesus. She experienced wholeness in relationships.
The healing of relationships within her local parish was a miracle. The wages of sin were being distributed generously in her church. The enthusiasm for Christ was almost dead. The desire for a vital church was dead. The miracle of new life had come.
This miracle convinced her of the power of Christ to heal. I feel this is healing at its highest level. You and I need more of this in our life and in the life of the church to which we belong.
Open your life to the things of the spirit and you will be amazed at the many miracles you will see. Yes, you will see them even today!
Prayer: Lord, help me this day to be open to the things of the Spirit. Amen.
(From The Ministry of the Master ©1986 by Donald Bartow. Used by permission.)
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