2 Timothy 2:15 – Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Not too interested in being "caught up" in what seems to be the preordained positions in the Academy Awards, I just came in on the tail end.
It made me wonder, however, where exactly I would fit in, were God to give out "Academy Awards".
Would I be in the Actor/Actress category: Best, Best Supporting or not at all. Perhaps it would be in costuming…is my "costume" so exquisite, so beautifully sewn, that that is all one sees, and on what I would be judged? Or maybe it would be in my writing…how well am I "writing" my life? Or Production? Am I producing what God wishes of me, to the best of my abilities?
The "Musical Score" category would not even be a consideration, as far as pertaining to me. Would God give an award to the person, persistent in their every pursuit, but who, in the Academy Awards, is never called to the podium?
Are we here merely to get an "Award"….or is it more that our journey is one striving for our "reward"? An award, is a final decision of arbitrators, of a case submitted to them, a scholarship. A reward however, is something given in return for good or evil done. There is a saying something to the effect of "it is not the destination which counts the most…it is the journey".
With God, each day can be a reward…it is our choice. So it is up to us if we are striving for an "Academy Award"….or living each day towards our "rewards".
Prayer: Our Heavenly Father, I ask for your guidance on this journey. Grant me grace in the rough spots, the courage to accept and ask for my part in the blame of others and the wisdom to know when it has been granted. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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