Psalm 24:1 – The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
A radio or television commercial usually consists of three parts: the "intro", which signifies the beginning and is usually a bit of catchy music; the "donut" or middle, which contains the message; and the "extro" which signifies the ending, and is usually music which fades down and out.
The most common commercials, on radio at least, are 30 or 60 seconds. Rarely are they 15 and never, 45. The person who writes the message, or commercial or "copy", as it is referred to in radio lingo, is known as the copywriter. It is their job to get the sponsor's message across sufficiently in the time allotment of the "donut" to make an impact on the listener.
Devotionals are somewhat similar, for they could almost be seen to be "commercials for God". The scripture at the beginning is the "intro", the devotional fills the "donut" and the prayer at the end is the "extro". Hopefully, what the devotional imparts will "grab" the reader and make an impact.
Our scripture for today, Psalm 24:1, fills the donut succinctly.
Our lives can also be seen to be commercials, or devotionals too. We have a beginning, or an "intro", and an ending, or an "extro". It is what we put in the middle, or the "donut", which carries our message. If we choose to fill the "donut" with God's love, our lives will have carried a message with an impact.
Prayer: Our Father in Heaven, may we choose to carry your message as the "commercial" of our lives. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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