1 Corinthians 1:11 – It has been reported to me by some of Chloe's people that there are quarrels among you, my brothers and sisters.
You know who Dear Abby is, don't you? Many people open a newspaper to her column first thing, while others are scanning the obituaries for familiar friends.
The format of Dear Abby and copycat columns (see how many of the Presbyterian Record columns follow the format) is simple. People all over the continent write in about everything from marriage breakdown to trouble with teens. The advice is always directed to one person in particular but it is always worded in such a way that tens of thousands will identify with it and be helped by the same advice. Deep down, we all have some basic human problems that need solving.
Read Paul's letters, especially the letters to the Corinthians. Paul address specific corns of the Corinthians but does so in such a way that two thousand years later we are still the recipients of some wonderful direction in our lives… if we will listen and act.
Throw away the horoscopes. Leave Abby to the last. Get out your Bible and find the best direction for the day.
Prayer: Loving Lord, let your word be our only rule for faith and life as we seek to live for you this day. Amen.
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