Ephesians 6:23 – Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Last night at church, after readings from John and Isaiah as part of our "Listening in Lent", we were given some interesting instructions. If we were people who were used to embracing others, offering an extended hand or a gentle touch, we were to put our hands behind our backs. For those who were perhaps more reserved in their physical extensions of human kindness… well, they were to at least extend a hand during the exercise.
And this was it… in whichever category we fit, we were to turn to our fellow man and extend peace and blessings. We could whisper it, but the depth of our sincerity was to be conveyed with our eyes. That part wasn't difficult for most, but holding back on the handshake, touch, or hug was just as difficult for those of us who usually do, as it was to extend it, for those who usually don't.
What a wonderful way to show those of us who are not only able-bodied but "able-emotioned" how it is not to be able to extend our arms physically or emotionally with an expression of peace and caring.
Prayer: Grant us, our Father, the grace to extend your peace and blessings to those who are unable for whatever reason, to extend it to others. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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