The Innermost Self

Thursday, April 9, 1998

Psalm 51:10 – Create in me a pure heart, O God.

I've been down at the bottom of a mine, but never any place like this.

When I was touring the mine, the guide suggested we turn off the lamps on our hard hats. One click and I was in a world of total darkness. Eerie, but interesting!

But this place is different. Somehow, the darkness seems more oppressive down here. The darkness isn't the only thing down here. It's cold, clammy and damp. Dank could describe it well. That's not the only thing my senses tell me. Maybe it's something my footsteps are disturbing, but there is a smell of things rotting underfoot. The whole atmosphere — everything — just reeks of bad things.

A grave would be a nicer place than this, for this is no tomb we're in. We're in a human heart — mine. I hope I'll never appear on a police "Wanted" poster, but I have a human heart full of human failures and sin. The good Lord does indeed know how little love is to be found down here.

That's the whole beauty of the incarnate God. Jesus, as both God and human, knows and understands all this. Mark's Gospel tells the story of Jesus who told His disciples "For from the inside, from a person's heart, come the evil ideas that lead him to do immoral things." (Mark 7:22 TEV). Jesus goes on to list some of the bad things. I already know about that. What I need — what we all need — is a Saviour who will help us with that.

Glory be to God, we do. Jesus came to destroy the walls of sin around every human heart. Where there was darkness, evil and decay, there is now light and love, understanding, forgiveness and acceptance. This is more than just a spring cleaning. It's a total make-over, with love and support that will never end. This is the meaning of Easter.

Prayer: Dear Lord, our hearts need your presence and cleansing. How little I know my own sin, and yet I shudder when I think of the little I acknowledge. We would be utterly lost, except for a divine love that knows no limits to love and rescue us, for this is why this is Easter. With a thankful heart, I pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Bruce M. Dinsmore <>
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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