Mark 7:1 – Judge not, that ye be not judged.
A radio talk show host suggested a novel idea the other morning… try catching people doing something right. He went on to say how our society had become one of finding fault with people and worse yet, reporting it. "Well," he said, "what if we did the opposite?"
What, indeed?
Can you just imagine if the police stopped to thank you for doing the speed limit? I know a similar project was tried once; however, I don't think it went very far. Or what if the welfare line got calls about people who were actually utilizing it properly? There certainly must be some. Or what if it only meant we told the actual person who was doing something right, that it was appreciated? What if the media only stressed the positive for a week, half a week, a day, an hour? They say it wouldn't sell. Or would it?
The other morning while I was waiting for a bus, a woman came up to every one of us, looked in our faces with a smile and said simply, "Jesus loves you." Most of us smiled and thanked her. Some nodded, some stared, but for once, no one was rude. Everyone did something right.
After I was on the bus, I saw a scruffy looking fellow rush up to catch another bus. He had a cigarette in his hand. His other hand held a tiny little ashtray into which he was butting the cigarette.
I wonder if anyone thanked him for doing something right.
Prayer: Our Heavenly Father, guide us towards showing our appreciation for things "done right", help us to overlook those little things which we think have been done wrong. Guide us to be less judgmental. Let us leave the judging to you. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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