John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
How long is eternity? How can it be measured? Is it possible to grasp the concept of living on and on and on? Believe me, it is difficult for my mind to grasp the fact that there is no end to time. Yet the truth is the ages will never end and the believer is forever with the Lord.
I find the following illustration to be of help to me when I try to contemplate eternity. It presumes that human beings can continue to make trips to the moon.
A crew goes to the moon and returns with a cubic inch of moon rock. A thousand years later another crew goes to the moon and returns with a cubic inch of moon rock. A thousand years later another expedition secures a cubic inch of the moon.
These voyages every thousand years continue until the entire moon has been carried to the earth. It has taken millions and millions of years and millions of trips. Even after the job has been completed eternity would have just begun.
The receiving of eternal life is important. It is this gift the Lord Jesus wants to give to you. In the light of the quality of life you desire now and the quantity of time you will receive later, it is a gift worth receiving.
Prayer: I reach out by faith and receive and acknowledge your gift of eternal life, Lord Jesus. Thank you for it. Amen.
(From The Ministry of the Master ©1986 by Donald Bartow. Used by permission.)
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