Psalm 92:1 – It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most high.
Psalm 103:5 – Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.
I have waited for Grace all my life.
We waited for Grace at every meal, for it seems we were born with the notion that one didn't eat until everyone was seated and Grace was finished. Grace always came first. Oh, Grace didn't always come to our meals in an orderly fashion, but Grace always came.
Sometimes Grace would be loud and boisterous. Sometimes quick and short, almost offhanded, as if there were "no time for Grace". Sometimes, Grace would come in singing. Still other times, Grace would be silent. The only indication that Grace was even there, would be by the bowed head and closed eyes, and on rare occasions, a movement of lips could be detected.
It is so to this day. When guests are present, it is a personal choice whether or not they wish to welcome Grace to the table. When they don't, Grace joins some of us in silence. And so, one morning last summer, I was fortunate to have the company of our 5 yr old Goddaughter at the breakfast table. Before starting to eat, I naturally closed my eyes and she asked what I was doing. "Waiting for Grace", I said. To which she replied, "Oh, we only have Grace at supper time, and only if Daddy feels like it." "Oh," said I. It was time to give a little Godmotherly nudge, so I explained that Grace joined us at every meal, to give thanks for that which we were about to eat, and at least one other thing.
The next morning at home, Grace joined my Goddaughter and her dad for Cheerios.
Grace can join us for other occasions in our lives. Grace can be with us in times of anger, when we are upset, when we are accepting compliments or gifts, or when we are listening to someone. Grace can be with us in our demeanour.
This Grace is one for which we don't merely wait to have join us when everyone is seated. This is the Grace with which we walk, when God walks with us. One must work at having this Grace in their life.
Prayer: Our Heavenly Father, may we ever be reminded of your graciousness and may we strive to meet our challenges at home and away from it, with Grace. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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