Who Needs More Proof?

Thursday, February 12, 1998

A devotional revisited on November 21, 2024

Psalm 53:1 – The fool says in his heart, "There is no God."
Nehemiah 8:10 – Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

The other night, I had been crying for several minutes, totally depressed and sad about my friend, Susan, moving away, back to Ontario, 2600 miles away. Then I decided to pick up a devotional book which this same friend had borrowed and had just given back, God Calling. It said "Be calm. Never be afraid. Do not get worried. I am thy Helper. Sing unto the Lord. The joy of the Lord is my strength. 'Underneath are the Everlasting Arms,' rest in them, as a tired child rests." This lifted me somewhat and filled me with a small amount of hope. Then I turned on the radio and what was the song? The Joy of Lord, the Joy of the Lord! I couldn't believe it. Not two seconds later, the phone rang. It was Connie, my friend of 19 years, calling me from Ontario. She said she had debated whether to call or not, but she did. She had recently obtained Internet access, had found our telephone number there and called me. I will never forget that feeling of relief, encouragement, and happiness that I felt when she called. It was indeed "God calling" to save me from my misery and pain. It was God who knew that I needed a friend right then and there. Connie is a friend from the past, someone who is dear to me, yet we haven't kept in touch over the past 4 years. So I was filled with a flood of joy because, though I was losing one friend, at the same time I was renewing a relationship with another friend . God is so good to me.

I am so glad for e-mail. And glad that God knows exactly what is going on in our lives. How can someone not believe in God? At Bible Study, we were discussing about how sometimes people question His existence. I see evidence of His existence every day.

Prayer: Father God, how we love you and praise You for being there when we need You. We always call you Father, because you are always there for us, just like an earthly father. Thank you that you know everything about us, whether we're sad or happy. You know all the details about every aspect of our lives. Thank you for the gift of faith, to believe in You, even though we can't see you. But we do see evidence of you, Lord, every day, in the wonderful things that you do for us. Thank you Lord, for wrapping your arms around us and bringing us comfort in those everlasting arms. We can truly rest in You and have the joy of the Lord. Thank you for hearing our prayers and for you love. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

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About the author:

Karen Knuff <knuff.karen@gmail.com>
Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

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