Mark 4:22 – For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open.
It seems to me that Christianity has many strengths, not only in its interest in saving souls, but also in its concern for the physical and mental well-being of people in the here-and-now.
One movement, Christian in base, that has helped many to become more radical in their faith, committed to people's welfare this side of heaven, is called Ten Days for Global Justice (once called Ten Days for World Development). This movement has local chapters that are engaged in a number of different activities such as coffee houses, films, bringing speakers and facilitators from "Third World" countries, and worship services.
Last year I attended one of those worship services. Usually these services are held in the month of February. They are mostly readings and music, with some speaker who has travelled abroad and who wishes to share some gem with others. What I find helpful is that these services are written by a community of faith in a developing country. Consequently, they are rich in symbol, yet simple. As I worshipped, I felt connected with a much wider community, Christian and more. It was truly a service unlike most usual Sunday morning Christian services! Nothing fancy. It won't change the world. Just some people lighting a candle of hope, sharing encouragement, and learning from our sisters and brothers elsewhere..
One of the readings for this year's service is Mark 4:21-32. Verse 22 reads, "For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open."
So now you know more about those who combine their faith and spirituality with social justice issues.
Prayer: God of justice, help make our faith bold so that we might free the captives, feed the poor, clothe the naked, and be witnesses of your peace for the world. Amen.
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