Genesis 1:31 – And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Behind our home runs a gully. It begins by a little Anglican church nearby and ends up down on the beach close to where the ferry docks. It is a nature lover's path in paradise. A group of inmates from the local correctional facility take great care in reinforcing the stairs and bridges every spring. The teenagers love to party in it on warm summer nights. I used to walk it at least once a month, but eased off until it wasn't on my route anymore. If we have company who enjoy walking, sometimes we will go through it, but I hadn't been for almost two years.
Two Saturdays ago when my husband was raking the leaves, his cap fell off his head and in one swift motion, was swept over the ledge, down into the gully with the leaves.
He had to get it, but it was too slippery to access it from our bank and so we decided to walk into the gully to get it. We walked to the church and began our descent into the gully. As we walked in awe of the gift located basically in our back yard, the words to "How Great Thou Art" were playing in my mind. It was so pristine. Here was a most beautiful, peaceful part of earth with waterfalls, tall trees and rippling streams and it had been a long time since we had made the time to appreciate it.
My husband retrieved his cap and instead of going back, we finished the walk, soaking up every precious minute of it.
Prayer: Good and gracious God, we thank you for those times when we are put in a position to behold everything you have made, see that it is very good, and proclaim "How Great Thou Art." In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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