Psalm 23:5 – My cup runneth over.
You may be familiar with the exercise of filling a jar to the half-way mark with water, putting it in a prominent place and, upon rising, seeing if you view it as "half-full" or "half-empty". Some may even check on it throughout the day, and/or again upon retiring.
When I was introduced to this exercise it seemed that my jar was more than half-full. Had I cheated, miscalculated? I carefully measured and re-measured. No, mathematically, it was exactly half-full, but still, every day, it seemed to be more than half-full.
We all know the purpose of the exercise has nothing to do with the water in the jar, but how we view our life.
Some people see their "jars" as "half-empty"… they are missing something. Some others, who may be seen by some to have "half-empty jars", feel their lives are at least "half-full" or moreso. The "fullness" of their lives is not measured by the clothes they wear, the material goods they've acquired or the status they have attained. No, their "fullness" is in direct correlation to their spirituality… their relationship with the Creator in their belief system.
Still for others, the perception of the "fullness of their jar" fluctuates. Upon greeting those who we know to have "fluctuating fullnesses", instead of using the standard, no-answer-really-required, "How are you doing?", how about stretching it just a bit to "How are you doing today?" or "How are you doing right now?" It can be a big help. So can sharing some of the fullness of your jar, for it seems that when we share, the level of the fullness of our jar is not only maintained, but "runneth over".
What is the "fullness" of your jar?
Prayer: Our Father in Heaven, we know our "fullness" comes through our relationship with you and our ability to share with those who may not feel the "fullness". We ask that you guide us as we strive to help them see their jars as "half-full" rather than "half-empty". Through Jesus Christ our Lord we pray. Amen.
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