Computer Icons

Wednesday, January 28, 1998

A devotional revisited on November 16, 2024

Matthew 5:16 – Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

One of the things that have made personal computers easier to use these days are the little pictures on the screen called icons. Icons are interesting things – they take up almost no memory and they exist only for one purpose, to point to the main program. All we have to do is click on one of the little icons and we get a big program, hidden in the background, opening up full of beautiful colours and sounds and all kinds of capabilities.

In today's verse, Matthew 5:16, Jesus is telling us to let our light shine so people around us will see our good deeds and they will, in turn, praise our Father in heaven. Jesus is asking us to be the computer icon for Him. He is asking us to point others to Him. We are not the main program, we are the "pointer" or the "computer icon".

Prayer: We thank you, Lord, that you are the light of the world. There is a lot of darkness in our world and we need to see your light. Help us to be like the "computer icon" and point others to your light in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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About the author:

Ruth McCowan <>
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

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