Ruth 2:1-5 – Naomi had a relative named Boaz, a rich and influential man. One day Ruth said to Naomi, "Let me go to the fields to gather the grain that the harvest workers leave." Naomi answered, "Go ahead, daughter." It so happened that she was in a field that belonged to Boaz. Some time later Boaz himself arrived and greeted the workers. "The Lord be with you!" he said. "The Lord bless you!" they answered. Boaz asked the man in charge, "Who is that young woman?"
"The Lord be with you!" How often are we likely to hear the owner or CEO of a large company greet his workers like that? Or to hear the reply, "The Lord bless you!" The question, "Who is that young woman?" would be more likely. Nevertheless the divine blessing and individual concern can work wonders in business management.
Here is what happened to a floundering businessman who tried this approach. One day he went into his office and, in desperation, cried out, "I need help." After a pause he got to the point. "Okay, God, I now have to know what I should do,"
He laid his head in his arms and suddenly these words came to him: "Create the conditions through which the individual can develop to the maximum of his capacity within the opportunities at hand." There was a moment of silence. "What Lord?" he blurted out. The words repeated themselves. He was impressed. He read the New Testament six times and only then he attempted to organize the company so that everyone who worked there could develop his or her talents and abilities as completely as possible. In ten years his company had grown over four times its original size. Corporate and personal concern really paid off.
Boaz showed interest for all his workers together but also for the individual, the young woman. As some of us know, the whole story of Ruth and Boaz unfolded in a marvellous way. Personal caring, whether in field, factory, school, church, or home, works wonders. It is God's way. He offers it to be our way too.
Prayer: All-wise and ever-gracious God, we thank you for both the teaching and example of your Son Jesus who showed an amazing ability to live and work with a wide variety of people. As your Spirit filled and guided him in his mission, may we also be guided in all that we do together and individually so that your purposes may prosper. In His Name we pray. Amen.
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