1 Corinthians 12:4-7 – Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.
Depending on how we choose to interpret this, it can seem to be beneficial to fit any particular situation, any business, any belief in anything, as long as one focuses on the origin of the gift or the profit (whether monetary, personal, emotional, etc.). This is a time of year when we are bombarded with commercials and most people's thoughts are on gifts, but more tangible ones.
I listened to a sermon given over 15 years ago, where the minister compared God to many of the then current commercial products. I requested a copy of the sermon which I shall share in part with you: "Many commercial products on the market these days advertise that they have the answer to all the problems of the world. How about a word from our Sponsor? God is like Coke, He is the Real Thing. God is like I.G.A., people come first. God is like Alka Selzer, try him, you'll like him. God is like Aspirin. He'll take the pain away. God is like VO5 hair spray, He holds through any kind of weather. God is like G.E. He lights the way. God is like Hallmark. He cared enough to give the very best."
Though it may seem callous to compare God to commercial products, there is certainly more and more emphasis put on commercial advertising than on spiritual advertising. And so, the next program you watch, listen to, or read about, if you hear how they boast about the qualities of their sponsor, take a moment to think about our Sponsor.
Prayer: Our Heavenly Father, as we approach the days ahead, may we strive to remember your gift to us that first Christmas, and may we give thanks for the gifts we receive each day. Through Jesus Christ our Lord we pray. Amen.
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