The Book

Tuesday, November 25, 1997

Revelation 20:12 – And another Book was opened, the Book of Life.

Recently, I saw a story in the newspaper from one of the southern US states. This particular place apparently has some type of "Social Register", a large book listing the socially in people in this community. If you were not listed, you were in the "out" group. The news story said a local family which had been very prominent in the past, was dropped from this issue, to make way for other people. Some family members were very angry that their family was no longer to be considered among the social select.

I didn't know there was still such a thing in print, anywhere, in the year of our Lord 1997. I wouldn't be in one. I suspect most people would not. People are busy with other things, these days.

In the social structure of this particular town, either you're in or you're out. That's very much human nature. People divide into groups, from the schoolyard on up. The tragic thing is that after we split up into groups, then we reject and cut off the people we feel don't belong to our particular group.

It's not like that in God's kingdom! Everyone is wanted. All who want to be, can be part of the in crowd. Jesus said he would never turn away anyone who came to him. The songs and creeds of the Christian Church say that the fellowship of the Church is way, way beyond the people who meet for coffee at the end of the service. It is people around the world who have chosen to follow Jesus Christ.

Some people may feel that being part of the in social crowd is the most important thing in life. Each of us is called to follow our Lord. If we do, we will one day find our names in the very best book of all: The Lord's Book of Life!

Prayer: Lord, jockeying for position and status over one another is something we do far too well, and too often. Let us see the world through your eyes. There is no "us" and "them", just people You love, and we are called to love, because we love you. Amen.

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About the author:

Bruce M. Dinsmore <>
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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