Psalm 121:1-2 – I will lift up my eyes to the hills. From where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
I am having trouble getting this devotional started. I know what I want to say but more than a dozen starts have all gone flat. Now I have lifted up my eyes to those words again. Help! That's it. I need help. From where will my help come? Oh! My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. Really! For this little project? Yes indeed! Even for this little project and for any others large or small that I will ever face. Now I'm beginning to get it. I must pray.
In this day of initials everywhere, I want to tell you about KLU, for Keep Looking Up. I received them in letters from my mother-in-law during World War 2. Every letter without exception ended with a KLU. It was her way of reminding me, without preaching at me, to always look to God. It was a thinly veiled pointing to Psalm 121; a Psalm so dear to her Scottish heart.
If she could keep me in touch with Psalm 121, she was confident that I could deal with any needs, temptations or emergencies that I might encounter in day by day relationships, dens of iniquity, or in the heat of battle. And she was right. Verses one and two of the Psalm say it all. The other six verses simply spell out some details and illustrations of ways in which the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth operates. I got the message. Thanks be to God!
Prayer: Almighty Lord, maker of heaven and earth, we are so grateful for the clear and direct statements in Psalm 121. We marvel when we begin to realize that every possible need and situation is covered in such a concise way. May KLU be a sign to us of your care in the past, your help in the present and our hope for all time to come. In Jesus Holy name we pray. Amen.
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