Isaiah 26:3-4 – Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace – in peace because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord God you have an everlasting rock.
Years ago now while a student studying at Knox College, I shared a message What Fear do you Fear? and in it I was asking folk if they were afraid of things that go bump in the night – and at this precise moment three massive bangs reverberated through the sanctuary and half the people present jumped out of their seats in fear.
The bangs, by the way, were produced by this delightful gentleman who joined us every Sunday for worship but lived very much in a world of his own. He had been asleep in the front pew and sent his leg crashing down on the pew three times as sort of a way to wake himself up.
No, I'm not kidding!
Things are never going to stop going bump in the night but our reaction to them can change as we grow in the knowledge and love of our Lord.
"You gain strength, experience and confidence by every experience where you really stop to look fear in the face… You must do the thing you cannot do." (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Prayer: Faithful friend, free us from the fears that follow us through the nights and through the days until we rest in you in perfect peace. Amen.
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