Accept Our Thoughts And Words

Wednesday, October 22, 1997

Psalm 19:14

    Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
    be acceptable in thy sight,
    O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

These words are often used in worship, very appropriately, as a prayer by the minister before delivering a sermon. The request is made that the spoken words of the sermon and the silent thoughts of the whole congregation may be acceptable to God.

That's a prayer, of course, that only God can grant. But when any of us read God's Word, praying for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can believe that God will accept and bless the thoughts it prompts us to think and the words it prompts us to speak.

The closing address to God in a way sums up the whole psalm. God is revealed in nature as my Rock – strong, solid, powerful, dependable. God is revealed in Scripture as my Redeemer – personal, loving, rescuing and restoring.

Prayer: We give you thanks, O God, for this psalm and for the light and truth we receive from it. May our meditation on your Word, and the words we speak in witness to our faith be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen.

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About the author:

Charles Scobie
Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada

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