Psalm 19:11 –
- Moreover by them is thy servant warned;
in keeping them there is great reward.
There are many reasons for reading God's Word regularly and seeking to absorb it into our daily lives. Here the Psalmist highlights two reasons.
Firstly, Scripture can act as a warning to us. We tend to be impatient with those who try to warn us. But think, for example, of the flashing light and the ringing bell at a railway level crossing that warn of an approaching train. Each year unfortunately there are tragic accidents when people ignore the warning or become impatient and try to cross ahead of the train. We neglect such warnings at our peril. The warnings in Scripture are similarly designed for our own good, to protect us from harm and from doing what is foolish.
Secondly, obedience to the teaching of Scripture brings its own rewards. This of course is not to suggest that we should obey God's Word simply for what we can get out of it. Nor is it suggesting that the rewards are necessarily material or monetary. But living in accordance with God's Word does bring its own satisfaction even when it involves suffering and sacrifice on our part.
Prayer: O God, so often we are wilful and impatient and think we know best; help us to heed the warnings you give us through your Word. Help us to serve and follow you more faithfully in the assurance that those who hunger and thirst after righteousness shall indeed be satisfied. Amen.
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