2 Kings 20:9 – Isaiah answered, "This is the Lord's sign to you that the Lord will do what he has promised: Shall the shadow go forward ten steps, or shall it go back ten steps?"
Our God is awesome. Consider for a moment the wonder of our God's infinite all-knowing and all-seeing power.
There is an illustration which reflects on the all-knowingness of God (and perhaps the concept of predestination) which will be clear to many of us as parents. Often we as parents (who have finite but extensive knowledge of our children's behaviour) are able to predict our children's actions in a given situation — we know what they will do. How much more does our heavenly Father know our minds, when God's knowledge above ours is infinitely greater than ours above our children.
As mere children, we have a limitation in understanding the truly infinite and what it means. With infinite knowledge our God can (and does) transcend time. We often speak of God being everywhere at the same time while we are unable to comprehend that God is everywhere at every time. All-knowing makes time, if not compressed, at least irrelevant.
Prayer: Dear Lord and Father of us all, be with us and watch over us as the sun rises and sets, and in your awesome power, be our God, even should you reverse the sun's course. Amen.
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