
Tuesday, September 30, 1997

Isaiah 65:24 – Before they call I will answer, while they are yet speaking I will hear.

Our God is awesome. Consider for a moment the infinite power of our Lord. To partly grasp the issue of the infinite, I am reminded of a Bob Newhart spot about the subject. I'm not sure if it was to illustrate probability or the concept of infinity.

    It has been said that if we had an infinite number of monkeys and an infinite number of typewriters, they would eventually write all the world's books. But if they ever were going to do it they would need observers to check on their progress. It might go something like this…

    "Hey, I think number 8704 has something here — It sounds like something famous: 'To be or not to be… that is the gezorninplat.'"

What isn't addressed is that the time for this experiment is irrelevant. God would know which monkey was going to write the whole phrase, which ones were going to write the whole play and which ones would write it starting with the first character and proceeding directly to the end.

Because God is infinite, He already knows what we will do. "Before they call I will answer". We can't know why, nor how. The "monkey" who will write the complete book is already known to our heavenly Father. We need to wait on our Lord rather than jumping to conclusions when we see the starting words, so as to not end up with "gezorninplat". "Never let our process interfere with His purpose."

Prayer: Dear God and Father of us all, give us the vision to wait for You and show us Your way. Amen.

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About the author:

Bob Meyer <>
Goldsboro, North Carolina, USA

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