(From my Journal August 28th, 1997)
Revelation 1:5b-6 – To him who loves us and freed us from our sins by his blood, and made us to be a kingdom, priests serving his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
I followed a trail of blood this morning. It took me through the streets of Pictou, each step a horror of whatever had happened during the darkness. I saw the broken window and knew that the journey began in an act of violence as someone lashed out and destroyed. Nothing was taken, only that act of violence, only that trail of blood to know that something terrible had happened here last night.
And where did that trail lead me?
It was simply confusion, marring the streets in both directions for a considerable way winding and weaving.
Did it have any purpose?
Yes, it did for me. For a moment it reminded me of my Saviour's trail of blood through the streets of Jerusalem, and the senselessness of every violent act, and the cost of such violence, and maybe in there somewhere, the selflessness and sacrifice of a Saviour who, in an act of love,
suffered, bled and died…
- but he did it for me.
Prayer: Gracious God, in a world of violence and blood freely flowing, help us remember the gravity, cost, and sure achievement of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
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