For over twenty years, birds and other creatures have been coming to the feeders in our back yard. Most of the time, we simply enjoy their amusing antics, but every so often, they have a lesson to teach to us.
Psalm 100:5 – For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Hummingbirds have been visiting our flower beds for many years. Each May, they arrive in our area after wintering in warm, southern climates. The timing of their return is questionable – wildflowers are not blooming yet, and it is usually too cold to set out the bedding plants. Fortunately for them, hummingbird feeders have become quite popular. Several years ago, we were given a hummingbird feeder, which, when filled, provides much-needed food for the tiny birds.
Our spring holiday is usually taken in May. Inevitably, the hummingbirds return before us, and they are looking for food. It is amazing how they hover at the exact spot where the feeder hangs – even though it hasn't been put out yet!
Although the feeder is not always there when the hummingbirds expect to find it, God is always there for us. How reassuring to know that no matter how far we stray, our Heavenly Father will be waiting for us to return.
Prayer:– Lord, at times we follow our own paths rather than the ones you have set out for us. Thank you for always being there when we come back. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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