Lessons From A Backyard Feeder: Trust

Thursday, September 11, 1997

For over twenty years, birds and other creatures have been coming to the feeders in our back yard. Most of the time, we simply enjoy their amusing antics, but every so often, they have a lesson to teach to us.

Psalm 104:24,27,28 – Lord, you have made so many things! How wisely you made them all! The earth is filled with your creatures. All of them depend on you to give them food when they need it. You give it to them, and they eat it; you provide food, and they are satisfied.

It has not been our habit to feed the birds – other than hummingbirds – during the summer. The natural habitat beyond our back yard provides sufficient food for all species in the area. A few summers ago, during a "where to find food" lesson, an adult blue jay landed on the edge of our feeding tray while the eight "babies" sat watching from the telephone wire overhead. The tray, of course, was empty, but the adult continued to sit on the edge, looking first at the feeder, and then toward the house. By the end of our lunch hour, fresh seed had been put out, and the jays' lessons continued.

What tremendous trust those blue jays demonstrated. The adult had complete confidence that food would be found in that tray, and the young ones trusted the parent so implicitly that they sat patiently on the wire until their "lesson" resumed.

Do we trust God that completely?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, scripture tells us that you continually provide for our needs. Help us to be aware that we can depend on you at all times, and in all situations. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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About the author:

Laurie Wright
Red Rock, Ontario, Canada

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