Deuteronomy 6:5-6 – You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your might. Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart.
Here we are back to the heart and back to the beginning of the search for our true selves, a search that brings us face to face with the living God. "Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in thee," said Augustine, and though we may not express the yearning or know the emptiness for what it is, the ancient call to the human spirit is just as strong today as at the beginning of time.
What is needed is a return to the heart. A return to the heart is a return to the Christ of God. "Let not your heart be troubled," Jesus said, and he meant that anxious feeling that so many have expressed to me, that disquiet that disturbs the most joyous occasions and disrupts the most "together" life.
A return to the heart takes you back to the basic belief of our faith – belief in God, and in his Christ. It takes us back to the source of our salvation in the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It invites us to get in touch with ourselves and with God by way of a journey to the heart and soul where we find the power of prayer, the purpose behind the biblical call to be still and know God, to find in the still small voice the only voice we need to hear, to practice patience and practice the presence of God by allowing God back into the intimacy of the heart.
Prayer: It is a most wonderful thing to find that you love us and care for us and come to us in the quiet of the night and the busyness of the day and remind us of your love for us and for the world. Help us to live lives of love today and always. Amen.
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