The Compass Of Life

Saturday, July 26, 1997

Psalm 119:11,105 – Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Imagine for a moment, a person venturing out into the middle of Lake Ontario, who is then unable to find his way back home. After being rescued, his friends give him a compass to help him on future trips. Once again he gets lost and needs to be rescued. His friends ask him impatiently, "Why didn't you use the compass?"

"I did," he replies, "but it didn't work right. I wanted to go north, but the needle kept turning back to point southeast."

Some people are so sure they're going the right direction in life, they just can't see all the signs to the contrary. For example, so many think that intimate relationships are all right with people other than one's spouse, that they can't see that the consequences, unwanted children, broken marriages, and sexually transmitted diseases, are all pointing to the fact that that's the wrong direction to head in life. God has given us all the guidelines we need for living, right in the Bible. Pretending to ourselves that another direction is right won't change the facts. When we rub our hands against the grain that God has built into life, we only get slivers.

Prayer: O God, we confess that we get it all wrong, and think that we have a better idea than You, about the right way to live. Lead us, by Your Word, in the path that leads to life eternal. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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About the author:

Robin Ross <>
Mission, British Columbia, Canada

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