James 3:4 – Or look at the ships: though they are so large that it takes strong winds to drive them, yet they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs.
You have no idea how much work goes in to preparing for the sailing season. Hours and hours are spent on the hard stuff – scraping and sanding and smoothing and then painting and polishing.
Making the boat look good is fine and it will probably slip through the water a little faster for all your hard work, but don't forget the obvious. The course depends on the rudder. It isn't very big and doesn't require a lot of maintenance, but without it there is no course and no direction and the craft is at the mercy of wind and tide.
The leadership of the church is a little like the rudder of my sailboat. The leadership rarely needs attention unless it is missing, and usually it does a fine job of getting where it is going, but even leadership needs maintenance, and needs the gentle hand of the pilot for direction. Pray for the leadership of your community of faith, asking for its renewal and for its continued health.
Prayer: We offer our prayers, gracious God, for those who lead in our life of faith from the local level to the world-wide councils. Be with the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, John Congram, and all who hold positions of leadership within the body of Christ. We ask this in his holy name. Amen.
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