John 3:8 – The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with the Spirit.
It's the race of the year. Every bit of gear has been checked and rechecked, every piece of rigging gone over again and again. We are ready for anything. The starter's horn sounds and we're off! And there we sit, completely becalmed, going nowhere. An hour passes, two, and engines start and in frustration competitors head back for the marina to talk of better days. But the few hang in there and a freshening takes place, only a ripple of a breeze at first, then a steady wind that transforms stagnation into the thrill of the race… for those who are left.
Church life often seems like life in a becalmed boat, going nowhere, with not a single sign of life stirring the sails.
Watch and wait for the ripple on the water that holds promise of better days. God knows the plans for us, plans to prosper and not punish, if we refuse to give up in the day of difficulty.
Prayer: God, grant us the serenity to stay the course when we feel becalmed. God, grant us the courage to continue when faith falters. God, grant us the perseverance to wait in patience for Your presence and Your power, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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