Miracles And Wonders

Sunday, June 15, 1997

Acts 5:12,15-16 – Many miracles and wonders were being performed among the people by the apostles. All the believers met together in Solomon's Porch. As a result of what the apostles were doing, sick people were carried out into the streets and placed on beds and mats so that at least Peter's shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by. And crowds of people came in from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing those who were sick or who had evil spirits in them and they were all healed.

As a young person I was impressed with the number of people that Jesus healed in his ministry and how this was continued by the apostles as in these verses from Acts 5. Healing the sick was clearly a normal part of church life in the New Testament times yet it was never even mentioned, let alone practiced, within the range of my experience. Later on, however, I began to hear of stories like the following:

Tom Harpur, an Anglican priest and noted writer, in his recent book, The Uncommon Touch tells of a woman in England who suffered for many years from rheumatoid arthritis. She had managed to keep it under control through constant medical treatment, but a sudden flare-up turned her into a complete cripple. By this time she had decided that if she ever had the opportunity to go to a healing service she would go.

It happened. Gregory Mowatt, whom Tom Harpur describes as "one of the most remarkable figures in the modern recovery of the healing ministry by the traditional churches," was coming to her parish. She attended the service, which she described as "most impressive". When her time came for prayer and the laying-on-of-hands, she felt great power and peace in Mowatt's hands. She goes on to relate that, toward the end of the service, "I felt quite different in myself. The pain in my back had disappeared and in my knees. My balance had been restored and I walked through the churchyard without my stick and I haven't used it since."

The healing is still going on. She feels like a new woman, not just physically but spiritually as well. She came away from that service with a "wonderful sense of peace." Accounts like this fascinated me. I began to watch for them.

"Miracles and Wonders" are still occurring. During the 1970's I attended a number of healing services conducted by the late Kathryn Kuhlman, read books on the subject by Agnes Sanford, Morton Kelsey and Catherine Marshall. I stuck to what I considered the reputable authors and have been quite convinced that the "miracles and wonders," like those reported in the New Testament, are still valid and happening. What Tom Harpur described as "the modern recovery of the healing ministry by the traditional churches" is growing. Thanks be to God!

Prayer: Almighty and ever-living God we are extremely grateful to realize that our Great Physician is still with us to heal us in body, mind and spirit. We praise you for the reports of answered prayers and healings coming to us from our prayer chains, prayer groups, our churches and now the PCCWeb Daily PrayerLine. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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Grant Muir

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