Genesis 24:12 – Then he prayed, "O Lord, God of my master Abraham, give me success today, and show kindness to my master Abraham."

In Genesis 24, Abraham asks his chief servant to find a wife for Isaac, not among the women of Canaan, but among Abraham's own people in north-west Mesopotamia. Eliezer takes the first step in being a faithful servant and accepts the challenge. Next he asks Abraham what will happen if no women are interested. He examines alternatives and finally promises to follow his instructions. When he arrives at the town well of Nahor, he makes a plan, submits it to God and then prays for guidance. His strategy is that when he asks a young woman for a drink and she offers to draw water for his thirsty camels too, she is the chosen woman. Before has finished praying, Eliezer sees God co-operating. Rebekah arrives, and when Eliezer asks for a drink, she offers to carry many, many water jugs to his camels. Eliezer accepts God's answer thankfully and then explains the situation to Rebekah's family. At the end of the chapter, having gained Rebekah's consent, Eliezer refuses unnecessary delay and returns with her to Canaan where Isaac is waiting.

Like Eliezer we must accept the assignment, think about it, pray to God for guidance and then start, all the time listening and watching for God's guidance. Whether it's preparing coffee Sunday, "cleaning toilets for Jesus" as a friend of mine calls it, shovelling snow, or delivering Meals on Wheels, there are countless possibilities out there. It's up to you to decide which challenge you will accept, remembering that the chief purpose of men and women is to glorify God. What better way than to walk in His son's footsteps and carry on His mission of service.

Prayer: Dear Lord, our master, help us to be like Abraham's servant, continually trying to do Your will, asking for guidance through prayer and then patiently waiting for Your answer. Create in me an eager heart to accompany my ready hands. Amen.

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About the author:

Sandra Barbeau
Kapuskasing, Ontario, Canada

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