Isaiah 43:18-19 – Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
Lucy opens the scene by saying philosophically: "Life is like a deck chair. Some face theirs backwards and look at where they've been; some face forward so they can see where they are going; and some put theirs sideways so they can see where they are now." To which Charlie Brown sighs and says; "I can't even get mine unfolded."
Life – our looking back, looking ahead, or maybe not even able to unfold the thing from the beginning. God has promised to be with us in the unfolding of our lives. God has promised to take our lives – past, present, and future, and fill them with the love of Jesus Christ.
An Irish Blessing: The power of God which created the world is the power of love. The power in Jesus which rescues the world is the power of love. The power in us which changes the world is the power of love.
Therefore I bid you go in the name of the God whose name is love. Amen.
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