Christ In Our Midst?

Wednesday, April 2, 1997

John 1:14 – The Word became a human being and full of grace and truth, lived among us.

I travelled right across Belfast today to visit a sick baby. The old images of Belfast were back again. Burned out cars and trucks at the roadside. The remains of the makeshift barricades used the night before, now pushed aside as people went about their business. The mobs, asserting their rights at the expense of someone else, had gone, but the scars remain. I prayed for the small babe in the incubator and wondered what sort of world this child was about to come into? The Christ child was born into this same messy, unkind, violent world. He lived among us, dwelt in our midst, came into our neighbourhood. He stands with us in the mess of our personal lives, in the mess that is Belfast today as I write. He brings us hope. He is our hope.

Prayer: Father we thank you for Christ who stands with us. May His grace and truth inspire us with His hope! Amen.

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About the author:

Rick Hill
Larne, Northern Ireland

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