Luke 15:10 – Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.
A chapel, built on an island on the coast of Georgia during the nineteenth century, finally fell into disuse as a place of worship, and was closed. Recently it was restored and services were begun again. While the building was being renovated, the workers discovered that the long, narrow window openings, which had been covered with boards, had no glass in them. Word reached them about some crates of windows of some sort, that were stored under a church nearby. They were located, and when the crates were opened, they contained stained glass windows in lovely designs. One of the long narrow sections was tried in a window opening of the chapel. It was a perfect fit, and so were all the others, and exactly the right number! They were the missing windows that belonged to the chapel. Great was the rejoicing that the lost had been found, and that the chapel had been restored and rededicated to the worship of God. How much greater our rejoicing ought to be over one sinner who repents of his sins, and through Christ, finds the way to the kingdom of God. Jesus told us that the angels of God rejoice over one sinner who repents, and they ought to know!
Prayer: O Lord, help us to see repentance, both in ourselves and in those around us, through the eyes of You and Your angels, as something most highly to be desired. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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