Promises, Promises

Saturday, March 22, 1997

2 Chronicles 5:13 – The trumpeters and singers joined in unison, as with one voice, to give praise and thanks to the Lord. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, they raised their voices in praise to the Lord and sang: "He is good; His love endures forever." Then the temple of the Lord was filled with a cloud. (NIV)

It was over 40 C (104 F) when I arrived late at the Charlotte Motor Speedway for a Promise Keepers meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina. Hot, tired and frustrated after a mile-long walk from my parking spot, I was unable to find the location to purchase an entry pass after another 90 minutes of walking. I decided to go back, listen to the last speaker on my car radio and get a head start on the crowd going back to the motel. As I got to the car, a mile from the venue, I heard the voices of 50,000 men lifted in praise to the Lord. WOW!!! – what a gift I had been given! The next day, as we sat in 114 degree heat for the day, I was energized as perhaps no one else was, when we again sang praises, for I knew we were reaching out in the name of our Lord.

Since I have been home, I have realized that we all have made promises as part of our walk in faith with Jesus. When we join His church, our affirmation of faith is a promise. When we unite as a body at a baptism and pledge to nurture a new life in Christ, we are making a promise. When we marry we make a promise before God and man. As we commit our lives to His service we are making a promise. I have been especially blessed to have had fellowship with this group which seeks to help one another be faithful in their promises and do His work. The theme of Promise Keepers this year is reconciliation, interdenominational, interracial, and international. Join me in prayer for our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Prayer: O let us be the generation of reconciliation and peace, and serve the Lord in unity so others will believe. Amen. (from a Promise Keepers song).

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About the author:

Bob Meyer
Goldsboro, North Carolina, USA

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