Matthew 12:30 – Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.
In February 1996, The Presbyterian Record published a game I created to use with children during Family Violence Prevention Week (page 50). It was called Hurters and Helpers. After an energetic game the children are invited to reflect on how it feels to be a hurter and how it feels to be a helper.
When it comes to Family Violence we are confronted with the old adage, "If you're not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem". Here in Nova Scotia the theme has been "Family violence is everyone's concern".
Being Christian means taking a stand against anything that seeks to hurt or harm the 'other'. Are you a hurter or a helper? Ask God to help you be there for people in need.
Prayer: Great God of compassion, we come before you this day, a people often broken and battered. We come as those who need your help and your healing. Be with us and among us so that we may live this day strengthened and empowered to seek wholeness in our lives through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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