Psalm 62:8-10 – Trust God, my friends, and always tell him each one of your concerns. God is our place of safety. We humans are only a breath; none of us are truly great. All of us together weigh less than a puff of air. Don't trust in violence or depend on dishonesty or rely on great wealth. (CEV)
In Nova Scotia, Canada, February 9-15 is designated as Family Violence Prevention Week, and the churches are instrumental in taking the initiative. In Pictou County, our Fear Not Now Committee has produced excellent resources for the churches. My meditations this week are adapted from that material.
The church is meant to be a healing community where all may come and find the grace of God. The people of the church are invited to be instruments of that healing as they reaching out helping hands to those who have suffered violence in their lives.
"I am convinced now that at its best the church stands as a witness that hope is real, that healing is possible, and that by God's grace resurrection is possible where there is only death, despair, pain and anger. As I begin to tell my story, I join my voice with those who sing of dawning light even in the dark days of December." [from Eyes Wide Open: spiritual resources for healing from childhood sexual assault, by Louise Cummings, Woodlake Books 1995]
Prayer: Holy and Loving God, as you open our minds to frightening truths and dangerous situations, so open our hearts to the victims of family violence – women, children and men – and help us to reach out to them in loving support. Stir our compassion and help us in the struggle for justice for all people. God, in your love, hear our prayer. Amen.
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